(We were trying lamely to roll with the whole Lion theme. By the way, the first person to come into the store and tell us the correct (as per O.E.D. 1st standard) pluralization of "lynx" gets a (disappointingly meager) prize. We'll post the answer and its history on the LFTL blog when somebody gets it. In person, only, please.)

Mike Kearby, author of Road to a Hanging
Julie Keim, grammy nominated artist of Only Yesterday
Emily Seate, author of The Heartmind Chronicles and other works
James Pylant, author of Blood Legacy
Sherri Knight, author of Tom P's Fiddle

Your Old Books, a wonderful pamphlet published by the ALA

...for all things Texana, check out the Lone Star Library
...for a perfectly beautiful book experience, please visit Rosedale Rare Books in Dallas, Texas